Monday, July 9, 2012

Dirty Dash

So even though the Dirty Dash was like a month ago, I think I need to post about it, cause it was an awesome weekend!

We went to Steph's cabin and spent the night before the race having a blast! 

Spray painting tshirts, flowers, logs, and rocks
Watching The Incredibles
Doing midnight yoga
3 AM conversations (about who knows what?)
Going to the bathroom
Losing Steph..and her phone..
Singing primary songs
And laughing like never before!

Best sleepover/weekend ever!!

And the run? Well it was pretty amazing, too!  I'll let the pictures explain themselves!

Until next time,

Monday, May 14, 2012


"Promise me you'll always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
-Winnie the Pooh

Until next time,


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Memory

So one of our favorite places to go together is Top It.  It's a frozen yogurt place that is absolutely divine!  We run/walk, ride tandum bikes, and drive like maniacs just to get there.  Ah, so many memories there...from running in the rain, stealing samples, a late night snack break from studying for our AP test, dozens of go-to gifts for a bad day, and so much more.  Top It has become a place of refuge from the stresses of life and is full of memories for all of us!

One of my favorites was this:

I LOVE Steph's face in this:)

So story.  We decided to run to Top It!  On our way, we noticed, for the first time, this random metal deer on the side of the road.  So, on our way back, I told Steph and Sarah to go climb on them so I could take a picture.  Well, climbing on the deer lasted all of about 7 seconds, at which point Steph and Sarah realized that there were dozens of cars driving by, watching them, which is where the second picture comes in. Haha:)

Anyway...sort of a dumb story, but I just love these girls, and all these silly memories, however dumb they may be.  Because all our memories and inside jokes and secret, shared dreams are like the glue that holds us together, the frosting in the Oreo of our friendship.  Okay these analogies are getting bad...I should stop now.  I'm just glad that even when it seems like things around us are changing, we can always find each other to hold on to and to make new memories with. :)

Until next time,


Monday, April 16, 2012

dirty dash 2012

I have just been thinking about how flippin eXcItEd I am to do the Dirty Dash with two of my best friends Sarah and Alyssa and so I decided to find a video of it and share it.. so here ya go!!

 I was on pinterest and saw this quote that I got a good laugh out of so I hope you enjoy it as much or MORE than I did :)

p.s. don't text and drive

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Flowers for Stephy:)

Since I got some leaves for Sarah, I got some flowers for Stephy! Enjoy!

9/11 Memorial
Until next time,


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Leaf for Sar

So...Sarah asked me to get her a leaf from Pennsylvania.  Unfortunately I couldn't actually pick one of these off the tree for her, but I got a couple of pictures.  Here ya go, Sar!

Here's some others I saw, too :)

Until next time,

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Well, I'm sure Steph and I can agree that Alyssa is the cutest little star ever!:) She is such a great friend to us and is always there to tell dumb dramatic stories we have, or sad depressing stories or hilarious stories:) SHe is the greatest listener!! Not to mention, she is also a flippen GENIUS! she always inspires me to do well in school :) She never fails to make us laugh.. with her of course... and We always do the craziest things together and it never gets old. SO prettty much she is aamzing:) Right STEPH?:)


About the Authors

Well anyone who knows Sar will agree that she is just about the funniest person ever! Whether it is from her innocent naivety which sometimes leaves her confused... or her genuine hilarity, she is always making people laugh. Not only is she comical, but she is also the kindest person I know. She can literally never say no if it means someone will feel left out and discluded. Sar is an amazing friend and as you can tell, she is just great!

Steph is the greatest EVER! Stephy is basically a famous concert violinist. She is so so talented! Not only can she play violin, but she can sing-although she would never fess up to that.. Steph is also brilliant! She's a mathematician, historian, author, and biologist. Steph is always there for her friends and will do anything for them. If everyone could be like Steph the world would be a better place perfect!

Well...I don't really know how to describe myself, so all three of you that read this..keep reading and make your own judgement! :)

The best part about us, we always come back to each other, defend each other, love each other, and are there for each other, thick and thin, high and low, riding dragons and chasing frogs, we're BEST friends!

Until next time,


Zebra #3 checking in :)

unlike alyssa, I (steph) am not checking in from any unique place, simply my good ol' home :) I also thought that I might want to clarify the fRoG story for those of you that think I'm an immature "hooligan", but I simply was tired.. ha and the fact that I was with my two best friends for several hours didn't quite help my craziness!! I apologize.. I am not ALWAYS crazy.. just when I'm with sarah and lys :))


Well, I don't know how many adventures we have had, and this is definately in NO particular order.. because honestly, i don't remember the order. HAha! But here we go! was a typical day in the world, when Alyssa Sarah and Steph were given homework to do for our AP US history class over the flippen SUmmer!! Ya.. ridiculous.. anyway, we decided to do our homework together! It was the last week of summer and so we had to do this homework, but make it fun in the meantime so that our summer could go out with a bang!;) sooooo we got together and read and read and read and read for about 5 or 6 hours. We decided this would take so long.. so we might as well just make it a slumber party! so we set up our tent in my backyard and planned to sleep in it that night! However our plan didn't work out like we had planned. We went into the tent to find my dad snoring away in there... nobody knows why he was there...... So we made the decision to not sleep in the tent.. but to sleep directly under the starS!:) We slept on the ground which was just soo comfortable. We stayed up until about 5 in the morning.. well me and Alyssa did while Steph was "Asleep". Me and Alyssa talked about our love lives and planned out our marriages and our future lives.:) Meanwhile steph had been listening in.. planning for her attack. She abruptly woke up and started hopping around like a froG! keep in mind this is now about 3am. She even had a blanket around her head that had a frog head on it! Alyssa and I were naturally concerned.. but that was quickly replaced with pure laughter. We started running around like hooligans!! The favorite quote that steph said at the moment was.. "hello child.. would you like an apple?" hahahah!!! It's probably not funny unless you actually hear Steph say it:) ANNYWAY!! after much laughs and fun we all eventually passed out and didn't wake up until nine.:) IT was pretty much the best end of the summer and one of the funniest things we have done.. don't worry there are many. Until next time..

-SS ( Alyssa is A, Steph is S, and I (sarah) am SS:))

Friday, March 30, 2012

Checking In

Zebra #2 checking in: check!

Here I am checking in from Philadelphia! Woohoo! What an adventure it is! I love to travel, and while I am not quite as far south or east as I would like to be or with my two best friends, I am still having a great time! :) Hopefully my next adventure will be a sarafi in South Africa with Miss Sarah and Miss Stephie.

Until next time,


Well I think it is time to tell you the reason behind the name, Running Zebras. It started out last August when Alyssa, Steph, and I decided to run a marathon. We went running as most often as we could, and while we were running we decided to become zebras! To tell you the truth, I am not completely sure why, but hey I'm not complaining! Our theme song is Good Life by Onerepublic and it just reminds us of running away to Africa :) Soo yeah that is the reason behind our name! that and we just love Zebras!!!! and baby zebras are sooo cute.. so whenever you are in a bad mood, or sad mood, feel free to look at pictures of baby zebraas and all your feelings will be lost, and replaced with happiness.... k. done...... anyway! Love my friends! BYE!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

On Saturday March 24th, me (Sarah), Alyssa, and Steph and Steph's awesome older sister Stacy, went to the Festival of Colors!! It was this Hindu festival celebrating the season of Spring!:) To celebrate they throw different colors of chalk everywhere, and in result, you end up looking like.. well.. an Easter egg :) They had craaazy music and crazy people there and it was just so fun :) we will definitely be going to this again next year!!
 Sarah after she was attacked by chalk! Hooray!
 The Three bestest friends having the bestest time:)
 Driving home from the Festival of Colors!!:)

Monday, March 26, 2012

The three muskateers, the three blind mice, the three wise woman, whatever you want to call us, we are always together!! Sarah, Alyssa, and Steph! :) We are the bestest friends and do so many fun things together! Since we do so many fun things, we decided that we needed to somehow remember it all, so we decided to make a blog full of our many adventures together!!:)