Saturday, March 31, 2012


Well, I don't know how many adventures we have had, and this is definately in NO particular order.. because honestly, i don't remember the order. HAha! But here we go! was a typical day in the world, when Alyssa Sarah and Steph were given homework to do for our AP US history class over the flippen SUmmer!! Ya.. ridiculous.. anyway, we decided to do our homework together! It was the last week of summer and so we had to do this homework, but make it fun in the meantime so that our summer could go out with a bang!;) sooooo we got together and read and read and read and read for about 5 or 6 hours. We decided this would take so long.. so we might as well just make it a slumber party! so we set up our tent in my backyard and planned to sleep in it that night! However our plan didn't work out like we had planned. We went into the tent to find my dad snoring away in there... nobody knows why he was there...... So we made the decision to not sleep in the tent.. but to sleep directly under the starS!:) We slept on the ground which was just soo comfortable. We stayed up until about 5 in the morning.. well me and Alyssa did while Steph was "Asleep". Me and Alyssa talked about our love lives and planned out our marriages and our future lives.:) Meanwhile steph had been listening in.. planning for her attack. She abruptly woke up and started hopping around like a froG! keep in mind this is now about 3am. She even had a blanket around her head that had a frog head on it! Alyssa and I were naturally concerned.. but that was quickly replaced with pure laughter. We started running around like hooligans!! The favorite quote that steph said at the moment was.. "hello child.. would you like an apple?" hahahah!!! It's probably not funny unless you actually hear Steph say it:) ANNYWAY!! after much laughs and fun we all eventually passed out and didn't wake up until nine.:) IT was pretty much the best end of the summer and one of the funniest things we have done.. don't worry there are many. Until next time..

-SS ( Alyssa is A, Steph is S, and I (sarah) am SS:))

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